tags: translation

tags: translation
We found 3 post available for you

Indigenous Peoples or Columbus Day

Algebra Geometry Math and Social Studies Holidays and Annual Events
When Columbus landed in Guanahani (renamed San Salvador, Bahama Islands by Columbus), he began the European settlement of the New World. Guanahani was inhabited by the  Taíno people and...

Daylight savings time

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Current events Ratio and Proportion
Updated and improved! Is Daylight savings time helpful?  How does it make you feel? "Spring forward, fall back" Early Sunday morning, March 12th at 2 am, we change our clo...

More eruptions on Hawai'i's Kilauea

Algebra Geometry Math and Science Current events Ratio and Proportion
The Volcano Kilauea is continuing to spew molten lava and ash on the island of Hawai'i. This volcano is on the tip of the southern most Hawaiian Island. Is that significant? In this activit...
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